Board Members

Larry Foy - President
Hello, I am Larry Foy the current President of East Alabama Youth Football League and Reeltown Youth Football League (EAYFL).  I am a graduate of Reeltown High School and was a member of the first State Championship Team for Reeltown Football.   I am a Veteran of the United States Navy where I served in both Deserts Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom.  Presently, I am the Fire Chief for Central Alabama Veteran Health Care System where I have the pleasure of serving our nation hero’s.

I have been a part of a few different football leagues such as Central Alabama Youth Football League, Tallapoosa County Youth Football League and EAYFL.   I hold EAYFL near and dear to my heart because I am a founding member and know our true purpose is to develop and uplift both the youth boys and girls in a positive way. I believe that the time and effort spend working with our youth day will help develop the blueprint for tomorrow.

Kerry Cole - 1st Vice President
Kerry R. Cole is servicing as the 1st Vice President beginning in February 2021,  previously Kerry service as President of the Tallassee Youth Football League for 2015 to 2021.  Kerry work as an engineer for the Department of Veterans Affairs.  He is married with three kids.  Kerry also service as Pastor Oak Grove Missionary Baptist of Tallassee, AL.
Laschica "Lucy" Cox - 2nd Vice President
My name is Lashica “Lucy” Cox, I have been with the Dadeville youth football league for 20 years. I have had 2 boys to come through this wonderful program. Out of working at the nursing home for 28 years, I enjoy watching the kids grow as they learn this sport. I would like to also say that it is an honor to be the 2nd Vice President of EAYFL and I will serve my duties to the best of my ability!
Letecia Walton - Secretary
Mona Coan - Cheer Coordinator
Hello! I am Mona Coan, the current Cheer Coordinator for East Alabama Youth Football League.  I am an alumnus of Reeltown High School. I graduated Troy University and received a Master’s in Business Administration. Currently, I am working on my Instructional Leadership degree at Auburn University of Montgomery. I began my teaching career at Reeltown High School in 2007 as an educator for Business Management & Administration in Career Tech. I also coached the Reeltown varsity cheerleaders for eight years where crowd engagement, leadership, team work, and sportsmanship were vital components within the cheer program. 

 I have been married for 30 years. We have two boys that grew up participating in the Reeltown Youth Football League. We currently have three grandchildren that will also participate in the RYFL program for several years to come. 

I look forward to working with the EAYFL to help strenghten a program with consistency and passion as we create a culture of success for our athletes on and off the field. 

Irvin Cox - Treasurer
My name is Irvin Cox and I’m the current president of the DYF (Dadeville Youth Football and Cheerleading) I have servers in this position for 3 years now. I am also a board member of the EAYFL (East Alabama Youth Football League) and I have been severing for 6 years. I am very fortunate to serve the youth of my community and the community abroad. I teach in my county at Dadeville Elementary School as a physical education teacher. I have been teaching and coaching for 13 years. I have my associates and bachelor’s degree. I am currently enrolled in school to obtain my masters. I took of this league from longtime standing Coach Micheal Taylor. He took me under his wing and molded me in this great individual I am today. I would like to think the community of Dadeville for entrusting in me to lead these great young men and women in the right direction. We also have a cheerleading which we teach our core values and the fundamentals. Dadeville is an associate member meaning that we have been since the existence of the league.
Carlos Stewart - Player Agent
Jeff Miller - Player Agent
My name is Jeff Miller I am currently the Vice President of the Eclectic youth football and cheer league. I have been with them for 2 years on my second round with the league. I have been serving as a player agent for East Alabama for the last 3 months. It is my intention that all children have a chance to learn and play the wonderful game of football the correct way.
Rachel Mathis - Media Coordinator
Hello my name is Rachel Mathis. I have served as the RYFL (Reeltown Youth Football League) Secretary since August 2020. I also have served on the EAYFL (East Alabama Youth Football League) since August 2021 as Media Coordinator. I am a Quality Analyst on Maxwell AFB. I have been married for 15 years and have 2 children. Both which are/have been involved with RYFL Football and Cheer since 2016. I am a graduate of Prattville High School and received my Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Management. I love the youth in our community and enjoying giving back. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:16.
Matthew Rodgers (TYFL)
Hi, my name is Matthew Rogers. I have served on the Board of Directors for the Tallassee Youth Football League for 3 years. I was the head for the Freshman Tigers, which ended the 2019 season as the EAYFL Freshman Runner Ups. In 2020, I was elected Vice President and served one year. I am now the President of TYFL. In addition to my duties, I am the head coach of the Junior Tigers. My wonderful wife of 11 years is also the head coach of the Senior Cheerleaders. She has coached for 4 years. We have two sons that participate in Tallassee youth sports. I am a 2005 graduate of Tallassee High School and attended Southern Union Community College for Automotive Service Technology. I work for Neptune Technology Group and own and operate a small business called MARS, Inc. I also serve on the Community Development Committee Board for The City of Tallassee. I enjoy being able to teach life lessons through youth sports. I have faith that the kids that I coach and mentor will become successful leaders of the future and give back to The Greater Tallassee Area.
Jonathan Lucas (EYFCL)
Hi, my name is Jonathan Lucas. I have been involved with Eclectic Youth Football and Cheer League (EYFCL) for 3 years now. I started off as an assistant coach the first year, served as Vice President/assistant coach for the second year and I now have served as the league president for 1 year. It has been an honor to serve the community and football league that I grew up in and played in as a child. I moved to Eclectic as a young child and started playing for the youth league when I was 5. I played for a total of 7 years before moving up to the JV team for the school. Looking back, I learned a lot of valuable lessons while playing with the youth league of Eclectic. After graduating high school, I entered the work force as an Electrician. At the age of 21 I moved to Montgomery and joined the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office as a Patrol Deputy/K-9 Unit. After serving the Sheriff’s Office for 10 years my wife and I decided it was time to move our 4 kids back to the town we grew up in and loved so much. So we moved back to Eclectic where I am now back in the construction field as an Electrician. I strive every day to teach the youth of our program these same values that I learned while I played while also doing my best to be the best role model I can for future generations to come.
Carl Waver (RYFL)
Hello, my name is Carl Waver and I’m the currently the 1st vice president of the RYFL (Reeltown Youth Football and Cheer League). Purpose of RYFL: To teach football and cheering fundamentals and to promote good sportsmanship among youth. “Train up a child in the way he should go and, when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

I have served on this board since 2001. I am also a board member of the EAYFL (East Alabama Youth Football League) and I have severed on EAYFL board since its existence. I am a member of the Wall Street Community Improvement Committee Inc., Member of the Reeltown Masonic Lodge 203A presently combined with Dadeville Lodge 209, A member of the Tallapoosa County Democratic Party. I am a Registered Nurse   with a Certification in Medical / Surgical Nursing employed by the Department of Veterans affairs for the past 34 years.   A graduate of Troy State University now (Troy University). I am a member of the Wall Street A. M.E. Zion Church and serving as Chairman of the Trustee Board, Church treasurer.  I am married to Jacqueline Waver and we have one adult son that played in RYFL and presently have a grandson that plays with RYFL.

I am proud to have served for the past 20 years with such outstanding Volunteers from the surrounding Counties/ Communities, all to help promote youth development/engagement of young People.